Handyman Services & Distribution has over 40 years of experience in industrial water services. Our purpose is to prepare water to be used in heating and cooling units without damaging the transfer equipment. Water naturally has suspended solids, calcium, magnesium, silica being major players in water used for heating. If these solids are not removed by mechanical means they will cause harm to the system thru carry over, build-up in the system resulting in poor heat transfer and reduced equipment life. These solids can be removed. Handyman Services specializes in the removal of these solids. This saves money and equipment while increasing production.
When water is heated, magnesium, calcium and other minerals will precipitate out and solubilize causing a scale formation to form. These minerals unless treated with HMS Boiler Water Treatment will coat the tubes causing tube failure and costly down time for repairs. We eliminate this by using softener and specialized biodegradable chemical treatment.
I’m a Boiler Chemical Tech. I train the onsite “license” boiler tech to operate and maintain boilers at its optimum efficiency by managing the problem assoc with scale formation, metallic corrosion, boiler water carry-over and sludge disposition. On the backend by cutting your waste water discharge costs 30-50% guaranteeing compliance. HMS is about saving.
Remember these facts:
- HEAT causes evaporation
- EVAPORATION means concentrations of solids
- CONCENTRATION OF SOLIDS means solubility problems
- SOLUBILITY PROBLEMS means water can only hold so many mineral content in solution before it rejects excess solids
- REJECTION OF SOLIDS means that these excess solids are available to stick onto any hot surface and form scale
- SCALE means heat transfer loss
- HEAT TRANSFER LOSS means equipment inefficiency, increased fuel costs, equipment failure and possible down time for cost equipment repairs or equipment replacement.
If the cost of a few chemicals will lengthen the life span of a piece of equipment, and will be cheaper than repairing or replacing it, wouldn’t it be wiser and more economical to use water treatment?
Remember one thing!
The best water treatment program available will not prevent the eventual replacement of a piece of equipment or a system. It is far less expensive to buy water treatment chemicals than it is to buy a new system every few years.